Something to read

Domicile Conjugal
Domicile Conjugal
Tender is the night

The darker nights of the year are not just good to eat cookies and drink tea - they are perfect to hang out on the couch and read a lot.
I got my hands on some nice magazines and books this week. When I get a magazine I tend to read it with starting from the very end and working myself through it until the the first page. I am most of the times so excited that I usually examine the magazine by briefly looking through all the different articles...stop at some images and articles which attract me and than make a little list in my head which article I should read first.

The first little orange book shows very pretty drawings made by the Japanese artist Yuka Katagri it is her first published book and I think it is very nice.

There is this really great magazine store in Berlin called "Do you read me?!" which is in Berlin-Mitte and sells all sorts of great magazines which don't have a high circulation and are sort of hard to get. When I was looking for some Christmas gifts I saw the "apartamento" magazine and ordered it. It has such great images of all sorts of apartments all over the world in it and I was thinking to try to get the older issues too.

At a little book sale I could get my hands on this Berlin guide which is made very beautifully and shows a view special spots in Berlin, like Paul Knopf (engl. Paul Button) a store in which you will definitely not find any zippers but all sorts of buttons. I can't wait to go on a little trip to Berlin anytime soon.

The NEON magazine is a German magazine which I like because of their good topics and nice way of writing but especially because of their really great images. They are most of the times the cherry on the cake and fit perfectly to the articles...

"Tender is the night" I got as a gift from my boyfriend. It is one of his favorite books and I think I will start reading it tonight. I like to start reading a book but I need to know that there is enough time to at least read so many pages that I can sort of "find into the book" is the same with finishing a book...I stopped reading the last pages of a book in the subway the other day because I wanted to give it more attention and just waited until I was at home. : )

What are you reading at the moment?



A Monday evening