
Apron dresses collection
Her old phone
I always liked those plant images
The Sunday tea set : )
one of the many jugs she has
her kitchen..I have so many memories sitting in there..the kitchen always reminded me to a face
My grandmothers birthday cake
At my grandparents place...

Oma is the German word for granny and it was her 77th birthday on the weekend and I drove down to be there and spending time with them.
Sometimes a weekend just goes by like a few hours and suddenly you sit in the train again on your way back...but what you keep is the time and the moments..and it was a great weekend...

I took pictures of things I like in and around her and my grandfathers apartment. The cute curtains in the garage, you would never think of a garage behind it, but it is : ), her collection of apron dresses, her old phone which makes this nice "click" when you call her and she picks up, those nice plant images she has in her pantry, the "Sunday tea set", jugs she has all over the place, the kitchen which always reminded me to faces when I was a kid and the little mirrow in one of the kitchen doors..

It will take now a bit until I will have the chance to drive down again...but it is good to have such memories...

I hope everyone had a great weekend. It got pretty cold again, but I guess this is not any news


A little sewing here and there..

A desk story