Oranges can brighten your day

early orange juice
early orange juice
early orange juice
An early orange juice

The other day I dreamed badly - So badly that I woke up..
It was early in the morning...too early to get up and I lied in bed with open eyes...sort of starring at the ceiling and thinking what it was what woke me up...but I couldn't remember it....after a while I decided to get up...and on my way to the kitchen I passed the bowl with the oranges I got at the markets on the weekend....still not squeezed to a nice fresh juice...
I took them with me....and after squeezing the juice out of them I sat down by the kitchen table
and enjoyed every zip of it...
It was actually nice to start a morning like this (apart from the bad dream) sort of have time to sit down...and get slowly awake...having a fresh pressed orange juice and let the day start...without watching the time and being afraid to run late for the subway...

I am glad it is Friday tomorrow...It has been a busy week...
I hope you all had a good week...

