A quiet one

Yesterdays flea market find..
Sunday snail mail
Apartamento #5
Apartamento #5
Apartamento #5
Reading in bed on a grey and rainy day
What a very unusual weather we have here.. Instead of sitting in parks, reading books and enjoying the warm sun of May...I am sitting here drinking tea wrapped up with blankets...

It really wasn't the best conditions to be on the flea market with a little stall yesterday as it was supposed to rain all day. But I did go with all my boxes and it was fun to see all the people coming by and to sell all sorts of things which were lying up in the attic un-used way too long. And in the end it didn't rain. What a great thing flea markets are..You can get rid of things and feel relieved and at the same time make people happy with finding bargains and tell little stories about a view pieces.
It feels great to have more space now and I can use the money for a not so cheap flight or many other things I am organizing right now.
Oh and I couldn't resist and got myself one tiny thing. This OXO cup which is standing right in front of me right now and makes me happy with its bright yellow and blue colours..a bit like the sun is shining with a blue sky : )

I was just very lazy today. Wrote a few cards, read in bed the new "Apartamento" magazine which came last week. I love the article about "the unlucky allotment".....There is this garden colony close by the place I live and it is so nice to watch the people gardening there...It must be a great feeling of growing your on vegetables and most of all eating them or giving them to friends..Maybe one day I will have the chance of having a garden with a veggie patch...

The other image I liked a lot was the one with the red/white heart in the back. I have dear friends living in Copenhagen which once crafted those for me for Christmas...It made me smile because it reminded me so much of them..

I wish you all a wonderful start in the new week


Hamburg is for lovers II