A weekend

Grey friday
The cloud shirt
Sunday morning
Orange, almond, poppy-seet cake
blue sky
Spring, finally
Spring, finally
Spring, finally
Spring, finally
My favourite crime show Tatort is watched by many people in bars every Sunday

#1 Friday was pretty grey and rainy
#2 and I wore my shirt which Will calls cloud-shirt because of the collar
#3 I prepared a little snack for friends before we went out having a beautiful dinner and evening
#4 This morning I felt like baking a cake and searched for a nice recipe while having a tea
#5 I made an orange, almond, poppy-seet cake and it is delicious : )
#6-15 A dear friend came over later and we went out for a nice walk .... It is so beautifully green here..I can sometimes not believe that I just need to walk 5 minutes and I am in the middle of trees, flowers and little gardens...

And right now...I am here in the flat enjoying the evening sun which is brightening our flat, flickering on the wall, playing its shadow-game...wonderful

I hope you had a wonderful weekend too...

Cakes and pralines
