
My grandmothers palms in her yard...
I have been at my parents place for the weekend and had the best strawberries ....
My parents grow asparagus ...and during the season we eat all sorts of asparagus dishes...I wish every year to be there every day than : )
It was Summer this weekend and I spent it at my parents place in the south of Germany - wearing shorts all day.
I always realize down there how fast a weekend can actually go by...in one moment you run out of work to catch the train down there and suddenly you sit in the train again, hearing the noises of shutting doors and suddenly being on your way back...
I was thinking today that I sometimes wish to be a child again, having plenty of time for doing things or seeing people like sitting next to my grandmother or sister chatting and knowing tomorrow I could just do the same thing again without thinking about time at all...
But living away from home and just being back for a couple of days every now and than sometimes brings me into this time-conflict in which I just try to see all the people I would like to share time with when I am there...which is often in two days not that easy and can make me sad

Time became such a precious thing over the last years...

- I hope you all had a wonderful weekend with lots of time for everything you love to spend time with..
I had some great strawberries and yummy asparagus salad and did spend my time with dear friends and family...

// Maria

