Goodbye Hamburg

last coffee...
the blueberry pastry ritual came to an end...
Last time at the farmers market
cherries from the farmers market
last view out into the garden

My last days in Hamburg went by so quickly...and it was great to spend some good quality time with people who became so close to me over the last years living there...I am so lucky that I met them and it was not easy to say good-bye...

A few images of some "lasts" during the last days there...

#1 A good last coffee break between the crazy packing
#2 I enjoyed my last blueberry Franzbrötchen for probably quiet a while
#3/4 went the last time to the farmers market and bought veggies for our last dinner...but had the first cherries
#5 took the last shade image in our kitchen
#6 had the last view out into the garden...

Right now I am sitting between all these piles of things thinking how I should manage to just bring 23kg with me...and also thinking about all the new things which will happen soon...
It is all really exciting...
but nevertheless,
Hamburg I will miss you! It's been wonderful.

The last days
