
There is something about an orange and brown mix
I just loved this
Pattern + colour mix
Some wrist warmers for the tree ; )
big 72's
I love the colours in here and the pattern of the curtians
Read the other way around

Yesterday morning when I was out for my run in the Botanic Gardens for a split second I didn't look on my way and fell over the roots of a tree. This moment past like slow-motion, when you realize "ok you will just fall" you know this feeling, when you can still remember what you actually thought. Well, I am all good and even finished my run (a bit in shock) but my knees look exactly the way how they looked like when I was kindergarten - bruises and band aids all over them. However it was such good weather in the afternoon that I wanted to go out for a little walk...I captured a few moments for you...

#1 Orange and brown, a great combination and so retro
#2 those leaves already grabbed my attention meters away...they were glowing in the sun
#3 just a street...
#4 I really liked looking at this house. The green and yellow around the entry. The plain bricks and one window having plants in front of them
#5 different
#6 Also trees wear wrist worms in Winter : ) Maybe they will do in Europe this Autumn, too. Here you can get the most beautiful ones.
#7 Making sure
#8 I liked the pale blue of the window frames and the door, and the beautiful pattern of the curtains
#9 Hello, you have nice eyes...
#10 'pull to open'

If anyone of you has some great tips where to get nice fabric here in Sydney - please let me know...

Maria :)

Tea on a Sunday morning

some brown here and there