A new month

My personal calendar
My personal calendar
More tea
A letter...

The first of September. A new month.
You can feel that the season is changing and that Spring is coming along here that time is going by...

A new month also means to me that I am allowed to fill up again my personal calendar.
Before I left Hamburg I got a box from my friends with twelve envelopes, each filled with pictures. On the first day of a new month I can open one of these envelopes and find an image for every week of this month. I love this calendar and I unpacked already a few images which I totally forgot about. They make me smile so much and miss my friends ....

Today was also the first day I used my new/old sewing machine for the first time.
It is a second-hand one in such great condition and I am so happy about it as I couldn't bring mine with me. I was already fabric shopping and got some nice leftovers of which I am planning to sew a few nice things which I have in my head since a while : )
Today I sort of made friends with the sewing machine, read the manual and got used to the new handling. It has so many great programs, I can't wait to use it properly..I sewed this little envelopes for my grandparents which I will bring on its big journey tomorrow.

Here is a nice song liiiiiisten (Villagers - Becoming A Jackal)
// Maria


Tea on a Sunday morning