A flea market find

My flea market find
fresh sumer breakfast

It is 42°C today here in Sydney, 42°C, and it is not just hot it is also quiet humid, which is really not a good combination for me. It is really hard to be outside with such hot weather and I feel like I am running from one shade to the other, trying not to be in the sun and when the wind is actually blowing a bit it feels like someone is holding a blow dryer into your face.

Well, I found an old Pentax at the flea market the other day. I got it for quiet a good price. I was walking around with it the last couple of weeks and took an image here and there. I hope the picture turn out well. I forgot a bit how it is to wait to get the pictures developed, it is actually and exciting feeling, let's hope they turn out good.

What are your plans for the weekend. I just stocked up on more fruits and water and hope it won't be that hot tomorrow, too.



Well, I guess I tried. I just came back from picking up the pictures I took with my new pentax camera and it turned out the film wasn't loaded correctly, or anything like that.
It is so disappointing that now all the pictures I took are just in my head and not here, in front of me. Well, I don't give up and try it again. Be patient with me.

A blue window
