Let's talk about breakfast

Best breakfast
Best breakfast
Best breakfast
Best breakfast
Best breakfast
Best breakfast
Best breakfast
Best breakfast

The other day a couple of you asked me about the breakfast in one of the pictures and I thought, I should write a little post about my favourite breakfast. I eat it since a year almost every day and can't get enough of it : )

Well, I used to be a muesli person for a long long time - and still love it, but as it wasn't always so great for my stomach I decided to try a couple of new things and one of them was the great budwig breakfast recipe. It is supposed to be very healthy for you and also tastes really good - quiet a good combination I think.

How to make it.
3 table spoons (150g) quark (sort of a cottage cheese), or yoghurt, add 1-2 table spoons flaxseed oil and stir it up really well (that is the important part) until you cannot see any more oil and the yoghurt looks quiet creamy. After that add two table spoons freshly ground flaxseed.

You can also add a spoon of honey to sweeten it or nuts and fruits if you want it a bit more exciting. A couple of months ago, I poached pears in freshly squeezed orange juice with prunes and a cinnamon stick. That was also very delicious.

Keep the flaxseed oil dark in its container and in the fridge. Also grind the flaxseed every day fresh to avoid that it get rancid.

What do you eat for breakfast?

Give it a try, it is addictive!


PS: You can read more about Mrs Budwig here and about her breakfast idea here.


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