hello - it has been a while!

Autumn in Sydney -Redfern
Autumn in Sydney - Elizabeth Bay
Beautiful Elizabeth Bay on a Sunday morning
Best beetrot sandwich at café 485
Autumn in Sydney - Paddington
MelbourneFinders Keepers Market

Hi you all
...suddenly two weeks are gone and I haven't written one word here...I am good, I am enjoying Autumn so much and the weather has been beautiful since I am back. It got a lot colder, but the light here in Sydney just amazes me so much and I love to see the warm Autumn colours popping up here and there...

How are you?

It is Sunday morning and I just came back from a run through the Botanic Gardens and had a look through the pictures of the last roll I shot. Unfortunately some of the pictures didn't turn out as I expected, nevertheless here are a couple of my latest film.
1-Redfern yesterday, 2/3- Elizabeth Bay, 4/5- me, 6- best beetroot sandwich, 7- Sonoma bakery sourdough break, 8- Colours in Paddington, 9- Melbourne 10-Beautiful origami work at the finders keepers market yesterday

+ We are listening to the new Bon Iver song over and over again and are very excited about the new album
+ I am soo looking forward to next Saturday as I have signed myself up for a screen printing class.
+ Thoughts of a short trip are running through our head and we were thinking of going to New Zealand or Tasmania for a couple of days, do you guys have any great recommendations?

You know what, life is good!

7 things

Hamburg on film