A new magazine

Having lunch and reading in a new magazin\
new magazine / the Weekender
new magazine / the Weekender
new magazine / the Weekender
new magazine / the Weekender
new magazine / the Weekender
I have heard of the new German magazine 'The Weekender' already a couple of weeks ago, however it took me quiet some time until I could actually hold a copy into my hands. I read that some people found many similarities to the wonderful 'apartamento' magazine. And I can partly see why, which is not a bad thing, I think.
After I was sitting down for lunch on Saturday I had the time to browse through the magazine. I liked the non-shiny paper a lot, the apartments they visit, the stories around the people who live there, the images and perspectives of what they show of the different spaces of living...

From an apartment in Berlin, a farm house somewhere in the south of Germany, to a massive shared apartment in New York to end at a house boat in Belgium ...

The 'Casual Friday' section in the magazine shows Sarah Illenberger in her studio in Berlin. I was writing about Sarah's amazing work here and was again just amazed by her great sense of creativity. How amazing is the raining melon 'Meloncholie'!

I hope you are having a wonderful week, here is a song which I can hardly get out of my head.

Thanks for your comments on my sea post. I will share the lemon cake recipe very soon with you.


1) lunch 2)shared apt in NYC 3) Meloncholie by Sarah Illenberger 4/5) in Sarah's studio 6) housboating

Lemon cake

Ein Tag am Meer (A day at the sea side)