A Saturday in Tokyo

Tokyo on a Saturday
Hiki and I
Tokyo Taxi

You know what happens when you carry around two cameras you can easily end up remembering places and moments after you come back from a trip but having some digital, some analog captured and some are only in your mind...
I had a wonderful day with Hiki who showed me around her favorite parts in Tokyo. We were walking around different neighborhoods for almost 8h and I have seen places I would have never been able to find on my own or even known about. Thank you again Hiki!

Let's start with some images from Nakameguro which is where Hiki and I met in the morning.

Have a lovely weekend.
There are still a couple more Toyko photos waiting for you


>> Two links I found this week and I would like to share with you

> I laughed so much about this video
< And I am so excited about this movie to come out (and this song)

Hotel Claska - Tokyo

Tokyo 2