Surry Hills on a Saturday

Surry Hills
Tokyo Bike
Bistrode / Surry Hills
Surry Hills
Bourke Street Bakery
Bourke Street Bakery
Bourke Street Bakery
Surry Hills / frame

Sometimes it can take a week or even longer until I get a film in my camera full. On Saturday it almost only took me 2 hours....I saw so much while I was in Surry Hills..

#1 The house with the growing plants
#2 Tokyo bikes
#3 Bistrode
#4 ...
#5/6/7 The infamous Bourke Street Bakery
#8 Just loved this green corner ...
#9 .. and this yellow mail box

I love shooting film and enjoy it so much. On my trip to Tasmania in November last year I found another Pentax at the Salamanca Markets. This time a lot lighter and newer than the old one I used to use - for only $20 I was so happy to call it mine. The photos above are from the first roll I shot with it.


A street in Sydney

corners of my room