We like to cook with colours

I like cooking with colors

When the weeks are busy and work heavy it seems things which take time, consideration and love is what I want to do. On the weekends (and often also during the week) we like to spend time cooking.
We brainstorm what to make, which vegetable to add, which dip to make -as snack while cooking- and what we made the other day and loved so much so we'd like to make it again, this time maybe a bit different.

We like to make a chicken or veggie stock from scratch, and to taste the difference when you eat the soup or risotto is what fascinates us and what we talk about. To set up a sourdough starter and watch it grow,  bubble, explode and in the end become one of our so loved avocado snacks, and all that takes a whole week is what we find exciting. It connects us and I like that we made food to an important part of our life, that we sometimes sit next to each other over cookbooks, both influenced from where we come from and how we grew up and put this all together and also like share this with our friends.

And when I come back into the kitchen with coriander stalks for the hummus we made on the ground and piles of dishes standing around, as we needed them for the preparation I switch on the radio and really don't mind as I am still happy from the food we made, maybe already thinking what to cook next.

Making a Terrarium

Some Summer left