Right now


Right now (as I write this) must be my favourite time of the whole week.
It is Friday early evening, I just came home from work after a long week. Will is on his way home too and soon I will hear the keys at the front door and he will come in, also happy that the weekend just started. We will sit on the couch and chat about the day and week before we are going to make some dinner and later maybe read on the couch.
 It is this time of the end of the week which feels like a mini new years eve to me. Like something is behind me and there are a few days off before something new will start.
It rained a little on my way home and its a bit cloudy outside. I have not many plans for the weekend which feels so good. Maybe just watch a movie, get the sewing machine out again and have some good chats with friends and that will make me happy.

I wish you all a good one.

Warm colours

Sydney Summer