Leaving Sydney

Leaving Sydney

And then our last week in Sydney arrived.

Even though we have made the decision to move to Germany a few months ago I feel now that we have actually left, we can slowly process the change and realize that it is not just a holiday we are here in Germany for but actually to set up our life again.

I am so grateful for the amazing time I had in my last 4.5 years living in Australia, most of all for the people I met, friends I made and places I have been to. It was a big move back in 2010 but I am so glad I did it and was able to collect all those different experiences and go on many adventures in the last years.

It was a hot Sydney Summer day last Friday, our last day. I got woken up from the noise of the birds outside our friends apartment. Those exotic birds whose songs became so familiar to me over the last years. The Summer light and smells coming through the window and realizing that this will be the last time for a while until I'll feel, hear and see this again. Our bags were all packed up and we had farewelled all our friends over the previous days. So we woke up early and walked through the Botanic Gardens to the Andrew Boy Charlton pool for a final swim. It was a 35C day and it was already quite warm...the Summer sun was standing high and hit the surface of the pool which was glowing in its inviting blue. I put on my goggles and cap and dived into the cool and salty water. Swimming my laps, like the many mornings before work in the last years or late afternoons after work. I put my head under the water, the blue of the tiles seemed so strong due to the midday light and with every move I could see the shades of my hands at the bottom of the tiles of the pool. It was a really nice moment which I wanted to remember as I said goodbye with every lap I swam and seemed to be getting ready to leave after finishing the ritual which I'd gotten so fond of over the years.

We left the pool, our towels around our hips still seeming to be people who are living in that great city but secretly saying goodbye. We went for a last coffee and breakfast to our favorite cafe (Room 10) before we took a taxi and left our street and neighbourhood behind. After an almost 30h trip we arrived in Hamburg, welcomed by dear friends and relieved to finally be here.

The last view days have been all about settling in, catching up with friends, getting used to the different season and trying to find an apartment. It is very exciting to be back and we look forward to everything which is about to come over the next few months. I still have a few photos from Australia which I would love to share with you over the next weeks....

I hope you are all well.

PS I took the photo earlier this year when we flew back to Sydney from Hobart, Tasmania :)

Winter at the beach

A studio visit - Pippin Drysdale