Jacaranda Trees

Jacaranda time in SydneyJacaranda time in SydneyJacaranda time in SydneyJacaranda time in Sydney

There has been so much on over the last couple of weeks and I am sorry that I haven't found much time to update this space. We have been busy moving into our new place and adjusting back to Germany while missing Sydney and the warmer weather. I found a new photo studio picked up a role of film this week. I had looked forward to seeing the shots I took in our last weeks in Australia and it was so interesting to see them, remembering the last days of farewell and enjoying our life there.

It is good to be back and nice to have now all our things around us again after living out of a suitcase for three months which was not so much fun in the end and we are starting making plans for this year which is already a month and a bit old (crazy!).

The shots above show the wonderful Jacaranda trees which I love so much and which were colouring the city and had started blooming just a few weeks before we left.

Have a great weekend,

Ok, Summer!