Summer-Pasta with Pesto, Zucchini & Potatoes

Summer-Pasta with Pesto, Zucchini & Potatoes

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Summer-Pasta with Pesto, Zucchini & Potatoes

We haven't really planned such a long pause here on our food blog and I guess we can't really guarantee that we won't have such a long break again but we will try to post more regularly again. 

As it is Summer and it is one of our favourites we have to share this rather simple dish we love. We have made it so many times over the last years, and I think it is a perfect Summer meal, particularly when you get Basil in bunches, and the leaves are almost as big as half your hand (that smell!) but in Autumn/Winter you can easily make this recipe as well and use kale or cavolo nero instead of Basil. 

The other wonderful thing is that you don't need ingredients and it is fairly quick to make: 

Recipe for 3-4 people: 


  • 2-3 big bunches of basil
  • 2-3 medium size gloves of garlic
  • 75g of pine nuts, lightly toasted
  • 200g parmesan
  • Salt, pepper, olive oil 

Wash the basil and separate the leaves from the stalks. We actually love to chop the basil by hand. It takes a little longer than a food processor but we like the consistency a little better. 

So you chop, chop, chop until the basil is super fine, add the garlic and chop up super finely as well. Add the toasted pine nuts and also chop until it fits to the mixture. Put everything into a bowl and add the parmesan. Stir gently and add as much olive oil until you realize that its getting a nice oozy consistency. Add as much salt and pepper as you like. Done! 

[Winter] Steam/simmer kale or cavolo nero for a few minutes in boiling water and blend with all the other ingredients (apart from basil) in a food processor 

The rest: 

Bring water to boil for the pasta. Peel 2-3 big waxy potatoes and cut them into small squares and add them to the salted boiling water before you add the pasta, after roughly 3 minutes add the pasta (we prefer farfalle) and cook pasta al dente. 

Just before (3 minutes) the pasta is about to be cooked add 2-3 small courgettes which you wash and cut into 2cm thick halfmoon pieces. 

After the pasta is cooked, drain from the water put back into a bowl and add the pesto we prepared before. 

Serve with some more parmesan, salt & pepper (if you like) and drizzles some good of olive oil over it. We also really enjoy a nice fresh, leave-y salad on the side. 




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