Season Mix

First signs of Spring
The sun and its buddy the shade
Numbers instead of names
There are the first signs of Spring here and there in Sydney.
This year has been a little weird for me when it comes to seasons. We had this long and cold Winter in Hamburg and in March I flew to Australia into Summer to come back to a warmer Spring in Germany again. And had a few hot Summer weeks before my move to Sydney where Winter welcomed me. This means I will skip Autumn this year which is a season I always loved because of the wonderful change of the nature, its golden days, its wonderful fruits....

I walked down to a little Bay here yesterday to sit in the late afternoon sun and knit on a scarf it seems I am knitting on since 100 years. I realized that when I finish it, it will probably 30° here.

Wish you a great Wednesday....

some brown here and there

A weekend