hot days and some more knitting

mini avocados
at the markets
some more colourful woolthe new project

Thank you so much for all your wonderful comments on my last post and all your nice wishes for the new year.
It was so good to go through all the images I took during the last year, to remember many moments and also realise that all the changes, actually really happened.

Here are a few images from my last Saturday. It was a very hot Summer day and pretty humid, too.. We visited the markets and made a wonderful cous cous salad with all the fresh veggies we got there. I will take an image next time we make one again. We also added lots of fresh herbs, it was wonderful.
Oh and look, after I (finally) finished my long-time knitting project I started a new one, this time I am using the perl pattern. It is wonderful to see it growing.

Have a great week,


An old year and a new year