An old year and a new year

Oh 2010, what a year.
Full of emotions, thinking, decisions, farewells and significant changes. Those of you, who follow me on this blog already for a while know that this is the year in which I moved from Hamburg to Sydney ...
I wanted to say thank you for coming by here, for leaving lovely comments or just for saying a little hello....

2011, hopefully you will be a year of exciting, surprising moments, moments in which we feel well and comfortable and also full of love, luck and just what we want from life

Let's have a wonderful new year ....

I would like to show you a couple of moments of my last 12 months....

In January I said 'Goodbye' to Will, who moved back to Australia after living with me in Hamburg....we had a sad but wonderful time at the Café Johanna on his last day in Hamburg....
January 2010
After rearranging the apartment I found my new favourite place. I loved to sit there ....
January 2010
In February, I discovered my mom's old hand-knitted Norwegian jumpers, which kept me warm during the cold Winter
February 2010
I cooked a little Valentines meal and sent it to the other side of the world.
February 2010
Had wonderful Sunday afternoon catch ups with my friends....
February 2010
In March I flew to Autralia to visit Will for three weeks, it changed my life...
March 2010
not just because I learnt how to paint my own teapot, but
March 2010
because of a question I got asked and to which I said yes
March 2010
I was back from my exciting trip in April...back at work and realising step by step about all the things which will be changing in the next couple of months..
April 2010
I got more and more excited about everything which was about to happen, I also knew that my move to Australia in August means to move out of my beloved leave dear friends and family, who mean so much to me
April 2010

April 2010
I also gave things some more colour as Spring was a little late that year
April 2010
In May I visited my great friends Nanna and Maria in Copenhagen.....
May 2010
and had visitors from Munich and Berlin staying with me in Hamburg.
May 2010
I also went on many photo excursions with Frau Sieben :) (who will visit me here soon) It was also a month of change as I quit my job...

May 2010
In June I loved the colours of a fresh Summer snack....
June 2010
and the signs in my neighbourhood, after having a wonderful evening eating the best pizza with dear friends in Hamburg
June 2010
In July Will came by to help me move. It was a sad month of farewells and tears in Hamburg...
July 2010
but also sad back home at my parents place....
July 2010
On the 1st of August I landed in Sydney. Welcome new life!
August 2010
I went out for hours to explore the city....
August 2010
August 2010
In September there was still much left to discover and many new neighbourhoods
September 2010
I also got myself a second-hand sewing maching which never stood still ever since...
September 2010
In October I thought many times of my friends back home, of Hamburg, my family...missed so many things..tried to think positive ....felt how it is to be homesick...
October 2010
discovered the best café in Sydney....(Single Origin in Surry Hills)
October 2010
and more beautiful things this city has to give....
October 2010
In November I started my new job....realised that I will miss Autumn this year...enjoyed the beautiful light of a night in Sydney...
November 2010
In December I went to the wonderful Finders Keepers excited about my first warm Christmas...
and birthday

.... to be continued.....

hot days and some more knitting

In the West